Monday, December 21, 2009


Hello Friends,
Bill and I have been so busy the past few weeks that we can't believe Christmas is in just 4 days. Bill has been head of Fellowship in our little Presbyterian Church here in Palatka and that means chairing every event that happens in the church. The Christmas season is particulary busy with children's programs, parties, special musical services. We have to say we are tired, but blessed. We have met so many wonderful people working together on projects and events. We have made life long friends. We hope that we have helped our congregation and community reach out to each other in God's love and grace. Our congregation is full of older folks and lots of snowbirds, which means children are often far away at this time of year. We hope we have had some events here during Christmas that helped bring some joy to them. We know Christmas can be fabulous for those of us who have grandchildren and family close by, but for others it can be the loneliest and most painful time of year. If you know someone like that my prayer is that you reach out in love. Just give a hug and a smile. Maybe even a gift of cookies. My daughter Katy gave her next door neighbors who don't have any children Hayden and Josie's Christmas pictures and ornaments they had made in school. They loved them more than the tin of homemade chocolate chip cookies. It meant the world to them since they had very few Christmas decorations up and she and the kids were so blessed by their appreciation and love. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May God Bless you all with good health and much happiness.


  1. Thank you! I am looking forward to going to St. Augustine tonight. We are going to have so much fun. Tubing and a sleigh ride...I wonder if Santa will be there. I love you lil bergens and big bergens too.
